“CONGRATULATIONS” to the Masons who attend the complex. Especially Bro Kenny Keys being the lead for the Steel Acacia light blues and driving the Foodbank appeal forward. An amazing 400+ kgs was gathered.

Complex Chairman , Jim Spence spoke to the Foodbank coordinator Martin Langford who was so appreciative and said there had been a huge spike in people using it. This year it had been mainly families.
As ever our generous Corby nature dovetails very nicely with our core values in Freemasonry – Benevolence & Charity.

Our PGM RW Bro Mark Constant was duly impressed when attending Ferraria lodge in December (off duty as SW.)

Jim added “As the chairman it fills me with so much pride and I do hope when you see the video and pictures you will have that same feeling. Please show your family and friends. We are not bragging but we want to help where and when we can. I believe we will have helped put food on the table this Xmas and beyond. ????????”