Saturday , July 27 2024

Past Events

Ladies night at Unity Lodge

It was Saturday April 20th and The Lodge of Unity held it’s annual Ladies Festival. It was great to see so many friendly faces again all having such a good time and raising money for charity.    WBro Clyde Woods and his lady Ursula thanked the guests for attending and …

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Thistle & Rose Royal Arch get their Banner

During the Thistle & Rose Chapter 6644 summer committee meeting in 2022, Scribe, E Comp. Stephen Seward raised the subject of having a chapter Banner manufactured ask if those present thought it a good idea After submitting a rough design and receiving a quotation for the work, it was put …

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Donation to Lakelands Hospice in Corby

Each Masonic season, Ferraria Lodge hold raffles during the Festive Board . The proceeds of which are then distributed to charities chosen by the Worshipful Master himself. This year, WM Alex Morrison , chose amongst a few others , the Royal British Legion, by providing £200 for the Sleepover in …

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Celebrating St.Georges day

Following on from celebrating Burns night and St.Patricks day at Thistle & Rose Lodge #6644 , it was time to celebrate St.Georges day at the Festive Board. Following an excellent raising in the temple , led by WM Andy McWilliam with his officers and a little help from visitors it …

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Sleepover in the Masonic Complex Car Park !

They did it !!! The big Tommy sleep out for homeless veterans, both Rab Reid and Rob Moger, braved the cold night and gave up their warm beds to sleep rough in the Corby Masonic Complex Car park. In doing so they have raised £350 so far for the Royal …

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Unity Lodge #9195 hits 200

30 years and 200 meetings and the Lodge of Unity No:9495 put on a spectacular evening of real brotherhood, with the WM Clyde Woods, leading his lodge to one of the best 2nd degree meetings seen this season. An incredible festive board with over 40 brethren dining, were treated to …

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Celebrating Burns in ‘Little’ Scotland

Corby is famous for its Scottish heritage based on decades of incoming steel workers and was for a time known locally as “Little Scotland”. So it is, that every Lodge celebrates Burns Night with their members and the large number of visitors who descend on the Complex to enjoy the …

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Widows Lunch December 2023

Every year the Corby Masonic Lodges and the Complex come together to provide a Xmas Lunch with drinks to the widows of Corby Masons. Together with their Full Christmas Luncheon of Turkey and all the trimmings, a number of brothers were on hand to not only serve the lunches and …

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Acacia Lightblues Food Bank Appeal

“CONGRATULATIONS” to the Masons who attend the complex. Especially Bro Kenny Keys being the lead for the Steel Acacia light blues and driving the Foodbank appeal forward. An amazing 400+ kgs was gathered. Complex Chairman , Jim Spence spoke to the Foodbank coordinator Martin Langford who was so appreciative and …

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Snow White at the Corby Masonic Complex

Article by WBro Jack Summerfield The Corby Masonic Players held their festive Pantomime on Saturday 9th December, raising £525 for Teddies for loving care. The pantomime this year was Snow White. There were two shows on the day. Entrance to the pantomime was free of charge, each child that attended …

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