Tuesday , February 18 2025

Unity Ladies Festival at the Complex.

On Saturday December 3rd , Unity Lodge held it’s annual Ladies night at the Corby Masonic Complex.

It has been a long wait for the complex since the Covid days with refurbisments and Masonic activities now filling the diary.

 The Worshipful Master of Unity Brother John Neal and his lady, Maureen held a very successful ladies night, which was a happy and great advert for Freemasonry.

Joining John and Maureen , there was great support from the other Corby Masters , with their own ladies, together with a great number of Corby masons.  John commented that the support from the other Masters was a great comfort to him.

After meeting all of their guests in the Lodge Temple it was back to the bar and Hall to continue the evening’s festivities.

 With the complex looking fantastic, and the Dining tables amazing, (All down to Pam and David Genner putting in a lot of hard work) only helped make the First Ladies night held in years at the Complex a great success for John & Maureen.

The meal and drinks service also matched the whole evening in providing a great experience for everyone. A wonderful meal was created by Karen , and Jeff organised the bar, ensuring no-one went thirsty for long.

WBro Richie Skillen gave a funny, but sincere toast to the ladies, whilst WBro Barrie Ball sang the ladies song almost as good as his namesake Michael (Ball) would have done!

After Maureen had replied to the toast , the tables were all cleared away, so that everyone could get down to some serious boogying to the sounds provided by the Big Boppa disco.

 A very enjoyable evening and everyone commenting how they were looking forward to the others.

About Rob

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