Wednesday , March 12 2025
Lodge of Unity say Goodbye to the Travelling Gavel!!

They Came, They Saw, They Took it with them…….

A Raiding party from the Lodge of Hospitality and Concord #8645 in Poole came along to the the Lodge of Unity on Thursday 21st November and reclaimed the Travelling Gavel for the Province of Dorset.

Led by Bro Dudley Fox the W.M. along with the other members of the Raiding party , WBro Paul Broome PProvGSwdB , Bros Tristian Hufano (J.W) , Kevin Hall and Roberto Mendonca they witnessed a fantastic initiation with the stand in W.M. Dave Genner. The W.M. wore a special Top hat , which had been presented by the Raiding party prior to Lodge opening.

WBro Dave Genner hands over the Travelling Gavel to WM Dudley Fox
Members of both the Lodge of Unity and the Lodge of Hospitality and Concord


After which a brief history of the Travelling Gavel was read out and the handing over ceremony took place.  

The Festive Board followed in the main hall of the Complex with over 30 dining and Fraternal fellowship was enjoyed by all.

The Raiding Party treated the Brethren of Corby to a Dorset Fire on the 5th Toast of the evening which was very different from our own and involves a lot of singing.

On behalf of the Lodge of Hospitality and Concord a donation of £80 was given to add to the Raffle prize monies raised which is being put to the Masters List for distribution to those charities at the end of the Masonic Season.

The raiding party then left to begin their journey home to the South Coast a return trip of 350 or so miles. I am happy to announce that they arrived safely around 2 a.m.  

The Raiding Party Bro R Mendonca, Bro K Hall, WM D Fox, WBro P Broome , Bro T. Hufano (L-R)

About Rob

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