It was a cold, damp and grey Sunday morning, when WBro Jim Spence arrived at the appointed meeting place for Corbymasons. A large group had turned up to join him on the Remembrance Parade going to the Corby Cenotaph joining the other local Corby groups.

By the time the Parade moved forward there were well over 25 who had joined him. Along with a number of local masons who were representing some of the other volunteer groups in Corby, it was a brilliant response. WBro Jim laid the poppy wreath on behalf of the Northants and Hunts Province , whilst WBro Ronnie Stone laid one on behalf of CorbyMasons.

Local Gurkha Group
Afetr the official laying of the wreaths, Jim was approached by members of the local Gurkha group who asked to join them in the photos, he was of course delighted to invite them and took the opportunity to discover more about the Corby Gurkha community. A wonderful end to the morning resulted in a ‘warming’ drink at a local hostelry .