Sunday , December 22 2024

Details on the Corby Masonic Complex 200 Club

200 Club from Jeff Freeman Complex Treasurer

At a recent meeting of the Corby Masonic Committee, a decision was taken to establish a building fund to keep the structure and facilities in good order.

The objective of this proposal is to raise money for the centre, at the same time giving the members who contribute an opportunity of winning a cash prize each month, with a bonus prize in addition at Xmas.

This type of fund raising is very popular with Sports Clubs because of the opportunity of winning a cash prize on a regular basis. By raising money in this manner, pressure is taken away from having to raise capitation and place a drain on the profits.

The Lottery is operated on a monthly basis with a Standing Order of £5 per chance.  Family, friends and centre staff can enter.  The money is collected by the Order on the 1st of the month and the draw takes place at the end.

The pay-out in cash prizes is 45% of the income generated that month.  We are looking to get the numbers involved to exceed 200.  If we achieve this then it would attract cash prizes on a monthly basis of 1st £175  2nd  £75  3rd  £50  4th  £25, with Xmas bonus prize in addition of £1000.

It is hoped that we can have everything in place and sufficient members to run the first draw at the end of June.

I would be grateful if you could canvas your membership to ascertain the numbers that would be interested.  Please let me know at your earliest convenience and I will get the Standing Order forms to you.

This is our centre, we can help its upkeep at the same time as winning a cash prize, who will win the Xmas bonus.

About Rob

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