Wednesday , March 12 2025

A Warm Welcome in Radlett

As a Freemason , a lot of brethren join other Lodges in other Provinces around the country. For Corbymasons not only do they join one or more of the other Lodges in Corby but quite a few are members of London Lodges in addition to some of our neighbouring Provinces as well.

But it’s also possibly true to say that not many progress to the Chair of King Solomon in those Lodges.

John ready for the Installation

On Tuesday evening , Bro John Davidson of Ferraria Lodge 8489 bucked that trend and was installed as the WM of the Hertfordshire Imperial Yeomanry Lodge 3182 at the Radlett Masonic Centre. He was very well supported by a number of his fellow Corbymasons who went along to the ceremony.

Brother John getting some last minute courage with fellow Corbymasons

John installed his officers in a most sincere manner. (obviously he has been to the Corby LOI !!)

The newly Installed Worshipful Master.
The new WM along with the brethren from Corby who supported him.

 The festive board was lively and a happy atmosphere with the added spectacle of at one point of the newly appointed WM standing tall on his seat with the lodge singing a yeomanry song, John is already over 6ft tall , so his head was nearly touching the ceiling!

Corbymasons were made to feel very welcome on the evening and kept up the Corby tradition of coming away with a number of raffle prizes., and our thanks go to the hospitality that was well received by the travelling brethren.


About Rob

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