Wednesday , March 12 2025

Was it Very Good? Oh YES it was! A Fantastic Pantomime at the Complex

Jack Summerfield and his entire cast of Amateur actors gave 2 tremendous performances at the Corby Masonic Complex on Sunday December 1st.

Full houses for both performances are a tribute to some wonderful script writing and the actors gave that brilliant mix of Professionalism with a few very well placed jokes that had the audience made up of Old and Young laughing out loud.

This years panto, Cinderella, also had a lot of audience participation which added to an immersive 90 minutes. In fact, some of the participation from the children gathered at the front of the stage caused a number of delayed lines as the actors recovered their composure!

There are a number of picture taken at the second performance which are available here.

Please feel free

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to download and keep them if you wish.

Back row L to R: Barrie Ball, Sandra Summerfield, Mel Tew, Rab Reid, David Genner, Pam Genner, William Diggins and Virginia Tarbotton
Middle row L to R: Jack Summerfield, Myles Tew, Ruby Tarbotton, Georgia Summerfield, Greg Allen, Jason Hazelton and Ali Rae
Front row L to R: George Peel, Ollie Hazelton and Karen McNamee



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