Sunday , February 23 2025

Update from the Corby Masonic Complex – Including photos from the Refurbishment November 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic – Complex Update November 2020
The Corby Masonic Club committee met on October 27th 2020 to consider the latest information available as regards the continuing COVID Pandemic and the effect it is having on our complex.
Subsequent to the meeting the Government has now announced further restrictions, accordingly the Masonic Complex will remain closed pending further direction from the Government.
The position will be reviewed by the committee during December 2020 in light of government direction, together with national and provincial masonic guidance available at that time.
The committee would like to thank the brethren for their continued financial support to the complex
The finance team have taken every step to ensure that our overheads are reduced to a minimum during this unprecedented time to help in reducing the burden of costs to its members.
Difficult decisions have been made along the way, but overall the financial stability and longevity of our complex is and will continue to be paramount.
With the current continued financial support of the membership, the finance team are confident that our target of reaching financial stability for the future of the CMC will be achieved
There have been works to maintain our complex in good order that have been undertaken at minimal cost (materials) with a number of volunteers giving of their time and expertise free of charge.

The works have been led by the Complex Chairman and include the following completed tasks.

 Temporary roof repairs have been undertaken these seem to be holding good so far even after the stormy weather we have had.
 The Bar has been decorated and the tables are set to the social distance when needed.
 The Kitchen corridor has been decorated.
 The Kitchen and Cellar have been repaired and decorated.
 The Foyer and Toilet corridor has been decorated.
 The Shop has been relocated to the storeroom. It was decorated and a screen put up to segregate the shop from the back storeroom.
 The Ante Room has been decorated.
 The Carpark has been relined.
 The Fire exit and the area at the back of the complex was sprayed with weed killer and has been cleared of some of weeds, the gutters have been cleared.
 The Entrance to the complex had the floor screed breaking away. This has now been relaid.
 There is a COVID safety plan in place with Signage / Sanitizers.

Works are now largely complete and the Centre is now in a position to re-start Masonic activity whenever it is deemed safe to do so.

The committee would like to place their grateful thanks to the following for their help in the refurbishment project.

Internal Decorations – WBro Rob Pinkerton.

Gardening – WBros David Docherty and Richie Richards

Guttering and Entrance Floor – WBro Aaron Devenney and Bro Kenny Keys.

Roof and General Maintenance – WBros Bill Mcgillivray , Dave Genner, Ronnie Stone.

Thanks to Peter Chown, Derrick Stringer and Ian Fullerton for their help in finishing the project.

And a big thank you to the anonymous brother who Paid for the Car Park to be relined.

Keep Well & Stay Safe
Corby Masonic Complex Committee

[email protected],  

Click on the Photos below to get the larger image.

About Rob

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