Friday , March 14 2025

Update from the Chairman


What a wonderful summer recess. The weather has been so good, the complex and our facilities have been enjoyed by masons and the public throughout the summer, there have been many paid for events, already with more to follow. The complex looks resplendent and certainly our continuous program of investment is a proven strategy.

You will notice that your complex has been further updated, in the refurbishment of the main function room.

This includes the introduction of an acoustic curtain, a dropped ceiling, chandeliers and a full redecoration.  This represents a major investment for the Complex, and could not have been achieved without a number of volunteers who have given up a lot of time, and the help of the Provincial Building Fund.


My congratulations go to all of our acting Provincial Officers and the incoming masters of our Lodges and other orders that call our complex home, I am sure we will all have another memorable season. As usual we have a number of additional events booked including the Ladies Festivals below and a full schedule of regular masonic meetings can be found on the website.


Best wishes

 Jimmy Spence   

Complex Chairman


Saturday Night Ladies festivals 2018/19

·         17th  November – Lodge of Unity ·         16th  February – Ferraria Lodge
·          9th   March – Lodge of Heritage ·          6th   April – Corbie Lodge
·         11th  May – Lodge of St Giles ·         15th  June – Thistle and Rose Lodge


About Rob

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