Friday , March 14 2025

Update for the Corby Masonic Complex August 3rd 2020

The Corby Masonic Club committee met on August the 3rd 2020 to consider the latest information available as regards the continuing COVID situation and the effect it is having on our complex. Accordingly they have now taken a number of additional measures to the decisions previously announced at the monthly meeting in July, which were

  1. To extend the closure of the Masonic Complex until October 1st 2020, the position to be reviewed by the committee during September in light of the situation and government guidance available at that time.
  2. To maintain the closure of all Non Masonic events and activity for a minimum period of 12 months
    This decision will be reviewed in July 21.
    Additional Measures
    The following additional measures will also apply.
  3. The closure will include all masonic social events (this will include ladies festivals etc)
  4. Bookings for Masonic meetings will not be accepted, from Lodges / Side Orders and Provincial Teams that are not based at the Corby Complex.
    Both decision’s will be reviewed in July 21.
    The overarching rationale is the need to provide as much as possible a safe COVID secure environment for members only, the club will therefore not be open to the public.
    Members will appreciate there will continue to be costs associated with centre. These will be reduced wherever possible to ensure the complex maintains financial stability whilst closed and as it returns to a new normal over the months and years to come.
    The complex will re-open as a members only club, without public access, staff levels will have to match the masonic activity that is allowed, therefore after due consultation it is with regret that redundancies notices have now been issued to our long serving manager and his staff.
    The committee is examining all costs attributed to the Corby Masonic Complex with the intention to reduce and further maintain our overheads to a minimum.

About Rob

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