Friday , March 14 2025

Unity Lodge #9195 hits 200

30 years and 200 meetings and the Lodge of Unity No:9495 put on a spectacular evening of real brotherhood, with the WM Clyde Woods, leading his lodge to one of the best 2nd degree meetings seen this season.

An incredible festive board with over 40 brethren dining, were treated to a short history of the lodge from one of it’s founders Wbro Jim Spence.

WBro Jim Spence giving the History of the previous 199 meetings.

The official visitor was Wbro Simon Key , who really enjoyed himself commented that he loves coming to Corby, and all enjoyed his company.

WBro Jim Spence, WBro Simon Key and the WM Unity

The WM and Brethren of Unity Lodge 9495 did themselves and the lodge proud.

WM Bro Clyde Woods

A very memorable evening and thanks must also go to Katie Mason, the wife of Bro Philip Mason, for a beautiful cake.

About Rob

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