Friday , March 14 2025

United Lodges of Corby Meeting May 17th @6.30

This years  United Lodges of Corby meeting is being hosted by Thistle & Rose and will be held on Friday 17th May 2019.

It will be an initiation and ALL Masons in all Lodges are cordially invited to join this now annual event.

This year the Corby United Lodges meeting will include a raffle the proceeds of which will go towards the a project which is being run by the Pen Green Centre for Children & Families 

They aim to take a group of children from a range of vulnerable and disadvantages backgrounds for a break this summer at Dodford Children’s holiday farm.


Our plan is to raise £500, with several of our Lodges already pledging £50, it should be attainable with a bumper raffle.


Donations can be made to Thistle & Rose, please contact the Treasurer – Jon Russell [email protected]

Also if you wish to donate a raffle prize contact Rab Reid [email protected]


About Rob

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