Friday , March 14 2025

Two down, Three to go.

With the start of the new Masonic season getting into full flow, we now have completed the installation of the Worshipful Master into two of our Lodges.

Brother Milan Crooks was installed into the chair at St. Giles Lodge  #8736 on the 4th September, whilst Brother Richard Skillen was installed into the chair at Ferraria #8489 on the 18th September.

At Brother Richards installation it was with great pleasure that the members of Ferraria were able to enjoy both the work in the temple and sit down with over 50 brothers for the Festive Board with the PGM of Northants and Hunts , RW Bro Max Bayes. 

WBro Jim Spence congratulating the new W.M. of Ferraria Bro Richard Skillen


Coming up on Friday 21st September we have Heritage Lodge #9344 installation.

On Wednesday 26th September there is Thistle & Rose Lodge #6644 installing their new Worshipful Master for the season.

And finally on Thursday 11th October, Corbie Lodge #9155 will install their Worshipful Master.


We wish all the new incumbents a successful year in their new office.

About Rob

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