Wednesday , March 12 2025
Looking good in their waistcoats.

Thistle & Rose Lodge #6644 celebrate St.Georges day at the Corby Masonic Complex.

Following a highly successful passing of a Father and Son  in the temple, over 50 members and visitors sat down to a tremendous Festive Board.

Thistle & Rose Lodge have in recent months presented a Scottish themed Burns night in February, a St.Patricks night in March and ,to finish off their Masonic season , it was the turn of St.George, 

and what an entertaining evening it was . Providing the entertainment prior to the Roast Beef and Yorkshire pud (it had to be didn’t it? )  were the ladies from the 


They are a Corby Community Choir and they provided a real English feel at the beginning of the meal with songs that included “Greensleeves“, “There will always be an England“, “Land of Hope and Glory” to name just a few. The Choir master even had the audience join in with renditions of “When the Saints go marching in ” and “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot“. and it was great to see every one of the Masonic brothers singing along as they were instructed!

Big about Singing Ladies Choir
Thistle & Rose & Visitors


The Ladies Choir with a few interlopers !!
The ladies and “Land of Hope & Glory”
A well deserved standing ovation at the end
And the Ladies taking their well deserved applause.

About Rob

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