Friday , March 14 2025

The Possees of Thistle and Rose at the recent Ladies Night.

Another great Ladies night on June 2nd, this time for Thistle & Rose and another well attended evening with everyone looking their best in their fineries.

As many of you know, Rab Reid runs a group of Thistle & Rose masons who visit other lodges during the masonic season. The slight twist is that each of ‘RABS POSSEE’ as they call themselves, has to produce their membership coin whenever they are together as a group at meetings. 

Failure to produce said coin results in a “Fine.” All proceeds from the fines collected are then handed to the Charity steward.

Some of their members are pictured below at the recent Ladies night. Certainly looks like at least one member was fined !!


Not to be outdone their Ladies have now decided to create their own group. 

I understand a name has yet to be chosen, my own suggestions are perhaps “Winnies Possums”, or maybe “Ali’s” Poshees.

When I hear what the name is I will certainly pass it on.

About Rob

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