Friday , March 14 2025

Silver Jubilee at the Lodge of Unity

A great evening was had by all on Monday 26th February 2018 as The Lodge of Unity No. 9495 held their Silver Jubilee Celebrations.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro D.J. Burton PSGD accompanied by W Bro T.S. Webster, ProvDepGDC were Official Visitors on the evening. RW Bro W.B. Hall, PProvGM was also in attendance, who took part in the Consecration of Lodge on 20th February 1993 in his role of Prov SGW.


After the Worshipful Master W Bro D. Genner had opened the Lodge The original minutes of the Concentration Meeting was read out to those present. WM D. Genner then graciously passed on the work for the evening to the Founders of the Lodge to conduct the 2nd Degree ceremony.

It was apt that W Bro JS Spence PAGDC Senior Group Officer for Corby first took to the helm on the evening as he was the Founding Worshipful Master of the Lodge. Other founders that took part were W Bro H.S. Twelvetree PPSGW Group Officer for Corby, W Bro B. Ball PPSGW and W Bro A.A. Cairns PPAGDC all of which proved that the intervening 25 years had not diminished the quality of their work This was greatly appreciated by the Bro A.S. Roderick on the occasion of his passing.


The Lodge Almoner, W Bro R. Stone PPSGW, also a founder of the Lodge who has served the Lodge as Almoner for the whole 25 years, then read out the names of those founders that have sadly since passed to the Grand Lodge above.

The recently acquired Travelling gavel was also proudly on display following the successful raiding party to from Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526 in Towcester.


Also present on the evening was W Bro M.R. Constant, PProvSGW, newly appointed Group Officer for Corby as well as a very good number of Acting Provincial Officers also marking this occasion.

Over 75 diners enjoyed a very resplendent festive board which included a birthday cake to add to the celebrations.

Unity’s 1st and Latest WM
WBRo Jim Spence and W Bro Dave Genner with the travelling Gavel.
W Bro D.J. Burton, PSGD, AsstProvGM, W Bro D Genner ProvAGDC , RW Bro W.B. Hall, PProvGM
WM and officers
W Bro W.B. Glover PProvAGDC, W Bro R. Stone PPSGW, W Bro G. Hall, PPGReg, W Bro B. Ball, PPSGW, W Bro JS Spence PAGDC, WBro D Genner ProvAGDC, W Bro K.G. Martin PPJGW, W Bro H.S. Twelvetree PPSGW, W Bro N.C. McIlwain PPGSwdB LGRW
WM and Founders
W Bro H.S. Twelvetree PPSGW, W Bro R. Stone PPSGW, W Bro JS Spence PAGDC, WBro D Genner ProvAGDC, W Bro B. Ball PPSGW, W Bro A.A. Cairns PPAGDC
WM and Prov Team
W Bro M. Warren PPGStwd, W Bro J.R. Annetts, ProvGStwd, W Bro P.M. Henry PPGStwd, W Bro JS Spence PAGDC, W Bro T.S. Webster ProvDepGDC, W Bro D.J. Burton, PSGD, AsstProvGM, W Bro D Genner ProvAGDC , RW Bro W.B. Hall, PProvGM, W Bro L. Orsi, PAGDC, PProvSGW, W Bro M.A. Deane, ProvSGD, W Bro M.R. Constant, PProvSGW, LGR
WM and DCs
W Bro N.C. McIlwain PPGSwdB LGRW, W Bro JS Spence PAGDC, W Bro D Genner ProvAGDC, W Bro W.B. Glover PProvAGDC
WM and Wardens
Bro A. Swartjes Junior Warden, W Bro D Genner ProvAGDC WM, W Bro G.M. Peel Senior Warden



All together now!!
Festive Board
Festive Board
25 Years and Counting !!!
Saying it with Flowers

About Rob

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