Wednesday , March 12 2025

Results of the Corby Masonic Club EGM

Firstly , a big thank you to the 55 members who joined us in the temple for the EGM.

Each Lodge was represented by at least 6 members and Chairman W Bro Jim Spence said that he and his committee were heartened to see so many members brave the weather elements to attend the EGM.

W Bro Barry Cole gave a short description of the reason for and the method that was used to re-appraise the current rules and regulations.

Votes were then taken on both amendments plus the new regulations and rules. All of which were passed by a substantial majority after a number of questions had been posed and answered.

W Bro Steve Burton will now arrange for these to be put into print, and they will be distributed to all members in due course.

About Rob

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