Wednesday , March 12 2025

Calling all of our new Masons in Corby based Lodges

Please be advised that the new masons evening is limited to New members joining our fraternity in the last 4 years and a representative from their lodge e.g a proposer


I am writing to you in capacity as the Secretary of the Corby Masonic Club to invite you to a special evening with fellow Corby Masons who are new to the craft that will be held at the Club on Friday 10th of March at 7.30 pm.

The purpose of this meeting is to introduce our newer Masons to each other in a hope of fostering communication and comradeship within the Corby Lodges that will successfully forge new friendships and encourage visiting between the Brethren within the Lodges.

You will have the opportunity to meet some of the Corby Group Officers as well as members of the Club Committee and Preceptors within the Corby United Lodge of Instruction.

The format will be very informal and should it prove a success any further meetings will be steered by yourselves in terms of content, frequency and timings and will be fully supported by the Club. There will be an option for all attending Brethren to have a curry and a pint that will be priced at £7.00 per person.

The evening will include a tour of the Lodge Room with an explanation of the layout and furniture, a short presentation on Craft Freemasonry in general and a brief overview of how, where and why the Side Orders integrate into the Order.

The Club Chairman, W Bro Jim Spence, will be on hand to welcome you and open the meeting and you will have the opportunity for a question and answer session with some very experienced and knowledgeable Brethren and perhaps ask some of those questions that we all have in the earlier stages of our Masonic journey, but never got around to asking; this really is your chance to do so in a relaxed and friendly learning environment. Please use this meeting as an opportunity to extend your Masonic knowledge.

I hope you are able to attend this meeting and look forward to seeing you there. Please let me know of your intention to attend and whether you would like to have the curry and a pint meal option by Friday 3rd of March I can be contacted on 01536 745471 or 07544 311207, or at [email protected], alternatively you can register at the complex.

Your sincerely and fraternally,

W Bro Steve Burton
Corby Masonic Club Secretary

About Rob

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