Monday , March 31 2025

Lodge of Unity

A number of keen young masons in the Corby area, finding that their path to the chair of King Solomon was likely to be a long one, decided to petition for a new lodge to hasten their journey to the chair. The original idea of consecrating a new lodge  in the Corby area came from W Bro. Barry Ball and Jim Spence who approached W. Bro Bill Barry to become the founding secretary of the new Lodge.

The Lodge of Unity no 9495 was consecrated at the Masonic Hall,  Rockingham Road, Corby on the 20th February 1993 by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. H.B.Smith, accompanied by a number of Provincial Grand Officers. After the Past Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. R S E Sandbach had taken the chair and appointed the officers of the consecrating team, the Provincial GRand Master entered the Lodge and addressed the brethren present on the object of the meeting and called upon the Chaplain, W.Bro. F.E.Pickard to give the introductory prayer.

When the 22 Petitioners had signified their approval to the warrant as read to them by the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. K.A.J. Smith. The Chaplain delivered an oration and the Dedication Prayer. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro O.N.N. Hart then occupied the chair and installed W.Bro. J.S. Spence PPrGSwdB as the first Worshipful Master. W.Bro E Blackley was invested as the Immediate Past Master.

Based on an article contributed by W. Bro W Barry and  published in “The History of the Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Volume 2”  published in 1997.