Monday , March 31 2025

Corbie Lodge

Corbie Lodge No 9155, which was formed in 1985 currently, has approximately 32 subscribing members with two candidates in the pipeline. Our membership covers a diverse range of backgrounds, and the age of our members also varies with a wide range, the oldest being in their 80’s and the youngest in their 20’s. Our latest members are mainly in the age group of 40’s, and we anticipate this trend will continue. Younger members will also be made more than welcome.

The lodge meets once per month on the second Thursday from October through to April each year (7 meetings). We have rehearsals usually on two occasions prior to the meetings. We meet at the Corby Masonic Complex, Rockingham Road, Corby, Northants.

Our regular meetings are consistently well-supported by brethren of the lodge and visitors from other lodges. In particular, we enjoy regular and reciprocal support from our immediate family of lodges. The lodge prides itself on being a friendly and happy lodge, and we care greatly for the welfare of our brethren and their families, as well as being fully supportive of a wider range of Masonic and non‐Masonic charitable activities.

We also pride ourselves on being supportive of each other’s progress in Freemasonry and in delivering a consistently high standard of ritual, whilst at the same time, taking care to ensure that all brethren enjoy their Masonic activities.

We have effectively addressed the potential decline in our membership, which is being experienced by many lodges, through being able to recruit a number of younger and enthusiastic brethren. This has helped to achieve a healthy diversity in the age of our members, which in turn will ensure that the lodge will be able to enjoy a resilient and vibrant future.

As a lodge, we are keen to preserve our traditions and ethos, whilst at the same time recognizing the importance of embracing the views and needs of our younger brethren, with the aim of achieving continuous improvement in our Masonic activities.

Similarly, as a lodge, we are keen to recruit new members who we believe will embrace our aims and objectives and make a positive contribution to the future activities of the lodge. In line with the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, we welcome and positively celebrate the diversity of our membership, irrespective of race and creed.

Thus, we are keen to hear from applicants who wish to become Freemasons, and we take great care to clearly inform them of what is involved in joining Corbie Lodge, as well as encouraging them to get to know us through our social functions and prospective member’s evenings, where they can be assured of a warm welcome.

Corbie History

The initial interest in forming a new lodge for Corby Masonry began in 1982. Three years later, following considerable efforts, a group of twenty-one founders had been drawn together. Thistle & Rose Lodge No. 6644, which was the first Corby Lodge, had consented to sponsor the new lodge.

The founders submitted a petition for the formation of the lodge and received the approval of the Provincial Grand Master at the time, R.W. Bro R Sandbach, who, with his assisting officers, subsequently conducted the consecration ceremony on Saturday, 11 May 1985, at the Masonic Hall, Rockingham Road, Corby. The consecrating officials, the founders, and the assembled visitors, numbering a total of 122, then joined in a joyful festive board celebrating the occasion.

The first regular lodge meeting took place on 18th September 1985 with the first Worshipful Master, Bro R.B. Gamble. The dedication ceremony for the lodge banner took place in November of that year.

The lodge banner depicts the Thistle & Rose in deference to its mother lodge. The Willowbrook Lodge 7439 (which still meets in Kettering) provided the majority of the founders, and a Willowbrook is also depicted on the banner. The prominent feature is, of course, the Corby Raven, for centuries the symbol of the town. The rocks shown depict the solid history of the area (iron ore) typified by nearby Kirby Hall. The spelling of “Corbie” is taken from the Domesday spelling of the settlement in 1086.