The Lodge of Heritage #9344 welcomed a team from the Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire demonstration team who acted out a ‘typical’ Lodge night in 1759, (well maybe with a bit of poetic licence !!)

The demonstration was given inside the temple which was attended by not only members of the Lodge of Heritage but also by a large number of visitors from around the Province.
The whole performance was directed by W Bro Roger Allanson and written and adapted by W Bro Peter Ayton.

If you are Freemason who fancies getting involved with the demonstration team ( They also perform demonstrations/plays around the formation of the RMBI homes, Symbolic meanings of the Working Tools and How and why the Royal Arch originated.) then contact W Bro Colin Allanson at [email protected] who would welcome any kind of help you could provide ( You don’t even have to dress up!!)