Friday , March 14 2025

Lodge of Heritage welcomes “Lodge Night 1759” to The Corby Masonic Complex

The Lodge of Heritage #9344 welcomed a team from the Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire demonstration team who acted out a ‘typical’ Lodge night in 1759, (well maybe with a bit of poetic licence !!)

Lodge Preparation by the Tyler which includes the Festive Board Food & drink

The demonstration was given inside the temple which was attended by not only members of the Lodge of Heritage but also by a large number of visitors from around the Province.

The whole performance was directed by W Bro Roger Allanson and written and adapted by W Bro Peter Ayton.

Drinking a health to the ‘candidate’ ( No alcohol was involved in this re-enactment!!)
Another succesful demonstration which was very well received by the brethren of the Lodge of Heritage.
244 Years Apart…. WBro Stuart Nichols WM Lodge of Heritage and WBro William Crisp ‘WM’ of the George & Dragon Lodge 62

If you are Freemason who fancies getting involved with the demonstration team ( They also perform demonstrations/plays around the formation of the RMBI homes, Symbolic meanings of the Working Tools and How and why the Royal Arch originated.) then contact W Bro Colin Allanson at [email protected] who would welcome any kind of help you could provide ( You don’t even have to dress up!!)

About Rob

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