Friday , March 14 2025

Jack and his Beanstalk

Another year, and yet another fantastic panto enjoyed by both Adults and families of the Corby Lodges.

A big congratulations to all those who helped in putting this together.

Jack (Summerfield) was once again dressed up as the widow Twanky character. All the old favourites were there, including a Hero, a Baddy, A King, a Good Fairy , and a Pantomime Horse.

A Tombola was held for TLC and this raised a whopping £312. So a big thank you to all who bought Raffle tickets.

Cast in order of appearance:

Fleshcreep                        An evil Wizard                             – Rab Reid

Buttercup                         A good Fairy                                 – Melanie Tew

Simon Trott                    Jack’s Brother                                – Emily Summerfield

Jack Trott                       Our Hero                                         – David Genner

Princess Mint                Jack’s Love of his life                    – Pamela Genner

Mrs M. Trott                 Jack’s Mum                                     – Jack Summerfield

Dogsbody                       The King’s entourage                   – Courtney Smith

King Mint                      King of Corbyshire                        – David Jackson

Daisy                              The Panto Cow                                – Georgia Summerfield and Dulcieanne Willey

Jobsworth                     Rent Collector                                 –  Ruby Tarbotton

Shorty                           The Giant’s Henchman                  – Virginia Tarbotton

Blunderbore                 The Giant                                         – George Peel

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