Thursday , March 13 2025

Inter Lodge Christmas Quiz 2019 on Friday November 22nd @ 19.45

Update   to the Quiz Night

There will now be an entry fee of one item for the Corby Foodbank per person.

We had a very successful Quiz evening on the 9th August with a packed Members Lounge. 

Corbie Lodge #9155 retained the highly coveted Trophy.

There were then quite a number of requests to repeat it for the Xmas period. 

So I am pleased to announce we have found an available Friday evening and this time we will hold it in the Main Bar, so we have room for a few more tables.

So get your team together for another  Fun evening. 

Doors open from 19.00 with the Quiz expected to start at 19:45. 

All Masons and their families are welcome to attend, and teams can also be put together on the night, even if there is just a couple of you! 

It would help in planning if you can either let Jason or myself know if you will be attending and how many of you…….

[email protected]

[email protected]


About Rob

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