Saturday , March 15 2025

Heritage 9344 install their new Worshipful Master

The new Worshipful Master of Heritage 9344 is Bro. Kevin Harrison who is now the third new Master installed into a Corby Lodge in September.

Once again a great turnout on Friday 21st September including the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Max Bayes.

Along with other distinguished guests providing support for Bro. Kevin were the newly installed masters of St.Giles 8736 and Ferraria 8489, Bros Crooks and Skillen respectively. 

With Thistle & Rose and Corbie Lodge to come in the next few weeks it is proving to be an excellent start to the Masonic season with great turnouts for the Festive Boards.

WBro Jim Spence congratulates Bro Kevin Harrison
The newly installed master of Heritage alongside Bros. Crooks(l) and Skillen(R) with WBro JIm Spence

About Rob

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