Opening Night – break a leg
At the regular meeting of Corbie Lodge number 9155 held on the 9th January,
the WM Jack Summerfield officially opened, “The Stage Bar“ at the Corby
W Bro Jack is no stranger to the stage, having performed many times as a
pantomime dame in the annual masonic pantos; he is seen here along with a
number of past cast members
“The Stage Bar”, is a major part of the “Project 25” initiative which is currently
in progress at Corby. The project has the primary aim of securing the future of
freemasonry in the area, and involves leasing part of the building on a long
term arrangement.
Creating “The Stage Bar” has been undertaken entirely by volunteers drawn
from the membership of all Lodges based in Corby, plus the clearing and
preparing of the centre in time for handover to the contractors (06/01/25),
who have been engaged to provide dental facilities by the new tenant.
Some of the volunteers are pictured below; they started work at weekends in
early December, and worked over Christmas into the New Year, bringing a
range of skills, expertise and the required brute strength.
Freemasonry in Corby is indebted to their dedication.