Monday , March 31 2025

First Deadline met!!

In fact we had two deadlines to meet.

The first was to have cleared the area (shaded grey below) from all of our equipment and furniture. The second was to get a working Bar up and running for the first Lodge Meeting of 2025.

The fact that we made both is down, in no small part, to the brethren working over the weekends and in their own spare time.

The old members Bar area
The Main Bar area
Area cleared and cleaned ready for the Handover
View from the new Bar
The Work Force from L to R:
Dan Baker, Carl Braybrook, Darren Lee, Aaron Devenney, Paul Braybrook, Jeff Conisbee, Jim Masson, Peter Whitworth, Ben Aitken,  Lewis Aitken, Steve Crawford
Hard working Freemasons

The Work Force from L to R: Dan Baker, Carl Braybrook, Darren Lee, Aaron Devenney, Paul Braybrook, Jeff Conisbee, Jim Masson, Peter Whitworth, Ben Aitken,  Lewis Aitken, Steve Crawford

As can be seen from the Complex Chairmans update below, it was no mean feat to hit both deadlines.

Chairmans January Update

Happy New Year to you and your families
Project 2025 – On the 6th of January, the contractor, Norths of Leicester took possession of
the designated part of the complex, the lease is now in place , predominately they will be
working during the day, so disruption will hopefully be minimal. Their works are due for
completion by the 31st May, leaving two separate units in the building, with separate
entrances, a dental surgery and “Freemasons Hall (Corby) “
The required internal works to the Freemasons Hall have been completed and a new bar will
be operational from January 9th. For the remainder of the season changing will be in an area
at the rear of the hall or for some larger events the anti room will be used. There have been
so many volunteers before, during and after the Christmas period who have brought their
individual expertise, skills and brute strength who have completed the works. It just would
not have happened without them, you know who you are THANKYOU.
Burns Season – Here at Corby the season will start on January 9th and end on February 11th ,
please note if you are like me not a meat eater, or just fancy something different during this
period, there will be an alternative available please contact your dining steward.
Information Screen – The PGM and the Province have gifted an information screen to the
centre, it has been set up, looks great and I recommend members make use of this of new
Next Steps for the Freemasons Hall (Corby) – Following the Provincial Lecture competition
meeting at the Richard Sandbach Lodge on the 20th January work will commence on the reconfiguration
of the toilet area to enable to mixed events to recommence.
Sincerely & Fraternally
W Bro Steve Burton
Chair –

About Rob

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