Wednesday , March 12 2025

Ferraria Ladies Night 2016

Saturday February 13th was definitely not an unlucky night for the Masonic brethren and friends of Ferraria Lodge.

Almost 130 people sat down to the Ladies Festival board after the initial personal introduction to the Worshipful Master, Graham Rodger and his wife Julie Rodger in the Temple, professionally managed by W Bro Tom Strickland and W Bro Steve Seward, our DC’s for the night.


The toast to our Majesty was proposed by the Worshipful Master and was well received by the  assembled dignitaries, brethren, visitors and friends. Bro Paul Knighton then toasted the Ladies with a well thought out and amusing speech.


Ferrarias own ‘ol’Blue Eyes’ (W Bro Sam Hagen) sang the Ladies song with his usual strong and melodic voice before Mrs Julie Rodger replied to the Ladies Toast with a confident and humorous response. Presenting W Bro John Lyman and W Bro Barry Ball with tokens of her appreciation in assisting in organising the Festival.IMG_1638IMG_1640

All of those assembled joined in with ” Peace, Love and Harmony” and to end this part of the evening  , the Tylers song , led by the Ferraria ‘choir’.

After the room was re-assembled it was time for the evening entertainment, fresh from appearing on the Voice were “Wett n Wilde”, a duo who performed a number of songs and reprised their TV appearance with Bro Paul ‘ Ricky’ Knighton, W Bro Graham ‘Paloma’ Rodger, W Bro Steve ‘Boy’ Seward and Bro. Barry ‘I.Am’ Ball judging. This time they got it right and all turned round!


The evening closed around midnight with everyone joining in to sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

Special thanks are also due to Jason and his staff for not only providing a great meal but their hard work both in the dining room and the Bar afterwards.

About Rob

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