Wednesday , March 12 2025

Ferraria Ladies Festival 2017

Ferraria Lodge 8489 held their annual Ladies Festival on Saturday 11th February 2017.

WM Graham Rodger and his wife Julie personally welcomed all 133 guests to the festivities in the temple prior to the meal.

All diners sat down for a wonderful 5 course meal which was superbly cooked and served by the Catering team led by Garry and Caroline.



After Grace was sung, and the toast to her Majesty, proposed by the Worshipful Master W Bro Graham Rodger, Brother Paul Knighton was in charge of the proposal to the Ladies which was well received by all. We then had a wonderful rendition of the Ladies song led by W Bro Sam Hagen , with the entire hall joining in with the chorus.

Our Hosts for the evening WBro Graham Rodger and his wife Julie.

It was then in the hands of Mrs Julie Rodger to provide her response which was extremely well received by the guests.

Our final song of the Festival Dinner  was very ably performed by the assembled Ferraria choir. ‘Happy to meet’ , was enthusiastically received and appreciated by everyone present.

There then followed a short break , whilst the tables were re-arranged which then provided a large dance area which was filled for the entire night as the guests enjoyed dancing to the music of ‘The Contenders’.

‘The Contenders’

Special mentions for organisation of the evening need to go to  W Bro John Lyman who was assisted by W Bro John Edwards, W Bro Alan Brooks., Bro Ken Blachford and W Bro Steve Burton.

About Rob

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