Friday , March 14 2025

Double Celebration at the Complex.

It was a double celebration at the Corby Masonic Complex as we celebrated not only the 10th Anniversary of the Summer Dance club.

We were also able to surprise the Worshipful Master of Thistle and Rose, Peter Whitworth with a cake and gift to celebrate his Birthday. For those with a keen eye, you can check his age by correctly identifying the route number on the London Bus in the photo.

There were over 60 attendees on the evening. Following some initial dances, there was a superb Buffet dinner followed by the Raffle and presentations from the “students” to the “teachers.”

After which it was back to the dancing for the final 90 minutes.

The majority all stayed until the end and big thanks must go to those people who not only organised the whole evening but have given their time and patience throughout the Summer to the “students”.

So, once again a big THANK YOU to Sam, Alison, Vida, Helen and the man who provides the music, Rab.

Below are just a few photos of the evening.


Peter Whitworth W.M. Thistle & Rose



About Rob

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