Friday , March 14 2025

They danced the night away – Ferraria Ladies night

Once all the tables had been put to the side and the band started to play, the dance floor was filled all night long!!

It was another enjoyable night at the Complex and our hosts the Worshipful Master of Ferraria Scott Macleod and his wife Dawn presided over an excellent evening.

Following the official introductions to the W.M. and his wife in the temple it was back to the main function room for the 145 guests for dinner.

The resident chef, Gary,  provided a great meal consisting of Pate to start , Roast Beef and all the trimmings followed by Profiteroles and topped off with Cheese and Biscuits along with Teas and Coffees. 

An abundance of completely empty plates going back to the kitchen was proof enough of just what the diners had felt about the meal!! 

In between the speeches came a number of songs with everyone joining in.

After which, the Hall was re-arranged  to create the dance floor in the middle , the entertainment for the evening, the wonderful POINT BLANK came on stage.

It was then the dancing started, and continued right up until midnight with people on the dance floor all night.

Thanks must go to John Lyman and his team for organising the whole event.

Here are a few photos from the evening. ( Send me any photos you would like me to add via [email protected])

Ready for the Top Table to enter the Hall

Scott and Dawn MaCleod
Point Blank warming up ready to start


About Rob

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