Monday , March 31 2025

Corby Masonic Complex Lease agreed and the Work begins.

From WBro Steve Burton

Corby Masonic Centre forthcoming re-organisation Project
The weekend of 14th & 15th December, saw the start of the works for the complex reshuffle
Getting ready for the Dentist lease works to commence in the New Year.

Works started on Saturday with Darren Lee, Carl Braybrook, Daniel Baker, Rich Devonport, Kev Martin, with Jeff Conisbee running things and Alan Brooks, along with Steve Burton helping to reorganise the various rooms and cupboards.

Saturday starting well with the demolition of the stage area by Darren, Jeff and Carl, meanwhile Dan was sorting the electrics in the bar area, while Kev and Steve were clearing the area.

L to R : Carl, Steve, Rich, Darren, Jeff and Dan

L to R : Carl, Steve, Rich, Darren, Jeff and Dan

Once the stage had been cleared, and a brew was in hand(Tea!) , the team put there efforts into removing the bar, easy job you may think ??

Removing the granite bar surface was no feat, then measure twice cut once………

Steve wanted to keep the front panels and of course it had to be square !!

Work in Progress

Watch this space for further updates as work progresses………………………………………………..

About Rob

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