Sunday , March 16 2025

Corby Freemasons joining together to help the Autumn Centre in Corby

A number of Lodge representatives recently visited the Autumn Centre here in Corby. 

The not-for-profit charity day centre for the over 50s in Corby and the surrounding villages is provided in a centre on the Counts Farm Road in Corby.

They provide a heavily subsidised service for their members with free membership for all, a door to door escorted transport service, healthy well balanced meals, free activities including 4 chair exercise sessions a week to help people keep active and prevent slips, trips and falls. Foot health is provided once a month for a nominal charge of £5 and they also offer advice and help to anyone who needs it. The day cost is offered at a little over £10 per day which includes the 3 course meal and transport to and from the centre.

The majority of the members have physical disabilities but they also help people living with all different types of Dementia, Parkinsons, Huntingdons, mental health issues and abuse. 

Their aim is to combat loneliness, social isolation and to help build self worth and confidence. 

I am sure you will agree this is a very worthwhile cause and it is our intention to help the centre initially with raising funds to help in purchasing replacement Tables & Chairs .

A few photos from our visit which includes a very special photo of our very own W Bro Jim Spence showing his dance skills. 

About Rob

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